So you want to get started? This is how it all works:

  • “Signing up online is the best way to let us know you want to work on our crew this summer. Click on “Apply” at the top of the page.
  • Make sure you read and accept the WR Health and Safety Policy.
  • Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email confirmation from WR.
  • All employees must review the WR website for new safety and detasseling information.
  • If you are new to detasseling, please view our website videos (found under student information), as well as other youtube videos to learn how to detassel.
  • We will be calling to confirm your commitment to WR in mid June. Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns.
  • Your first day will consist of safety training and detasseling technique.
  • In order to qualify for employment as a detasseler you must have a Social Insurance Number, be at least 12 years of age when the season commences, and tall enough to perform the job duties effectively.

If you need to apply for your Social Insurance Number follow this link.


The Chatham Daily News wrote an excellent article detailing WR Detasseling and the corn industry, interviewing several WR employees. Read the article entitled  

 by Bob Boughner.

A detasselers job is to remove the top of the plant by grabbing the tassel and dropping it to the ground, removing no more than two leaves per tassel. Boosters help slower detasselers keep up with the crew by sending them ahead and detasseling behind them. Checkers walk through rows making sure that detasselers and boosters are achieving quality goals.

On any given day, a crew member can expect to encounter wet fields in the morning and extremely hot conditions by mid-morning. Being
prepared by dressing for the weather and wearing all of the required PPE, will help you to perform the job safely. We never work in thunderstorms, but we DO work in the rain. Keeping your feet clean and dry is the Secret Golden Rule!

Transportation is provided from designated pick-up points to the fields and back again, for each day of work. The employee is notified of their first day by email or telephone. 12-24 hours notice is usually the very best that WR can provide. Your supervisor will inform you each day of your next day of work. We usually work everyday once the season gets busy.

WR Detasseling Ltd. is the largest detasseling contractor in Canada. Every year we work hard to secure very large volume contracts so we can provide you the best opportunities in the fields.

  • We care about your safety and have created Health and Safety Policies for our detasselers.
  • Our crews work on average 6-8 hours per day.
  • We offer competitive pay, incentives, ongoing training in detasseling and safety, plus a healthy work environment.
  • Our field supervisors are focused on your safety and on pulling the crew together to work as a team by promoting compassion, conscientiousness, and respect.
  • Working on a WR crew makes you part of our 30-year history – a history that will go on growing for years to come.
  • Failing to Wear 2023 PPE
  • Failing to follow the 2023 Safety policies
  • Littering in field or bus
  • Disregarding safety or work rules in field or bus
  • Disrespectful to supervisors or crewmembers
  • Disruptive talking while working
  • Climbing buildings/bus/trees
  • Tampering with equipment or property
  • Verbal abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Wrestling/horseplay
  • Throwing Things/ Throwing Tassels Stealing
  • Handling foreign objects found in field
  • Skipping work
  • Work performance below 99.7% standard
  • Delaying Crew due to lack of preparation